Disc Herniation

Disc herniation results from the gradual wear and tear and is called disc degeneration. As we age, our spinal discs lose some of their water and they become less flexible, resulting in tearing or rupturing. Twisting or turning while lifting heavy objects can lead to a herniated disc.

A herniated disc is a condition in which the tough outer wall of an intervertebral disc has been weakened, allowing the softer insides to deform the shape of the disc. You can have a herniated disk without knowing it — herniated disks sometimes show up on spinal images of people who have no symptoms of a disk problem. Most herniated disks are painful and occur in your lower back (lumbar spine), although they do also occur in your neck (cervical spine).

People who have a herniated disk often experience numbness or tingling in the body part served by the affected nerves and may experience weakness which may impair your ability to lift or hold items.

Surgery may be an option for those who do not respond to conservative treatment such as medicine or physical therapy and whose symptoms get progressively worse. The most common surgical options include microdisectomy, laminectomy, or foraminotomy.

Contact Dr. Raskas today if you suffer from disc herniation, or give him a call at 314-442-4452.

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